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  • Stuck In The Middle 129- Can Job Hopping Be Good? Boomers Living Longer and The Truth About Marriage

Stuck In The Middle 129- Can Job Hopping Be Good? Boomers Living Longer and The Truth About Marriage

Are You A Monster If You Can't Take Care of Your Parents?

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Baby Boomers are living longer than previous generations but have worse health, study finds

Baby Boomers may be expected to live longer than their predecessors, but a recent study has found that they are more likely to suffer from worse health than previous generations.

Researchers at the University of Oxford and University College London (UCL) found that people born since 1945 have worse health than previous generations at the same age, resulting in what they call a “generational health drift.”


Reclaiming the Truth About Marriag

The good scholars with Institute for Family Studies (IFS) have given us another great article entitled “Reclaiming the Truth About Marriage.”

The author, a young woman, who has unfortunately experienced divorce in her family of origin and in her own marriage that died from her husband’s infidelity and abuse, calls on us to resist the lie that marriage is hopeless. She laments that “the sentiment that marriage is harmful to individuals has only grown in recent years.”

She adds, “Proponents of this anti-marriage culture claim that the institution of marriage is an antiquated idea, essentially useless to modern men and women.”

The author documents what too many of us have seen, that this sentiment is rampant across social media.


4 Ways Gen Xers Can Save for Retirement While Caring for Parents and Kids

First, Gen Xers were part of the “Breakfast Club,” and now they are part of the “Sandwich Generation.” Gen Xers, especially those in their 50s, are financially stretched between taking care of their kids and aging parents.
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Five Ways Parents Can Help Kids Navigate Social Media

Parents can help mitigate some of the harm that social media may be doing to young people's mental health.

From Instagram to YouTube, Snapchat to TikTok, social media platforms expose tweens and teens to an endless, constant scroll of people, places, images, and ideas that are almost impossible for adults to vet. According to a recent poll from Gallup and the Walton Family Foundation, 37% of parents say they often or very often worry about the amount of time kids spend on social media, and 39% often or very often worry about the experiences they have on social media. That places social media among the top parent worries—just a smidge behind the 40% who worry over their kids’ mental health in general, their experiences at school, and their physical safety, and a few points behind stressing out about their teens’ plans for their future (42%).
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I can’t take care of all my mom’s needs. Am I a monster?
Welcome to Your Mileage May Vary, my new twice-monthly advice column offering you a framework for thinking through your ethical dilemmas and philosophical questions.

Your Mileage May Vary isn’t like other advice columns, which usually aim to give you a single answer — the underlying premise being that there is an objectively “right” answer to the complex moral questions that life throws at us. I don’t buy that premise.
read it here

Gen Z revolution: Embracing job-hopping to redefine career success

In today’s workforce, a new revolution is underway, driven by a generation that’s redefining how we view career success. Gen Z are reshaping the professional landscape, challenging traditional norms, and advocating for a more dynamic approach to career progression. In particular, job-hopping to redefine career success – a strategy once frowned upon – is now increasingly recognised by Gen Z as a pathway to professional advancement.

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